GutWrench is the fast, easy way to to gut your birds in the field - not designed for big game.
GutWrench gets the guts out so you don't have to! A gutted bird cools faster, tastes better and lets you continue to hunt without worrying about spoilage! Simply insert through the vent, twist one turn and pull. GutWrench gets the guts out for you - no more bloody hands; better tasting birds!
1. Cut a small slit at the vent hole (optional).
2. Insert GutWrench into the vent and push it through the bird's body cavity until the end of the tool hits the breast plate.
3. Turn GutWrench one full turn and remove. The guts will come out with the GutWrench! Repeat as necessary.
GutWrench have been endorsed by Duck Dynasty's Willie Robertson: “There has always been more than one way to skin a cat. Now there is more than one way to gut a duck. The Gutwrench is the fastest and easiest way to gut a duck that I have seen.”